Wednesday, June 6, 2012

Well Here We Are Again...

Sorry for not posting in a while...I've been busy... I know that this is no excuse, but it's true! Busy seeing shows, crafting, working... More woorking than anything! So I figured that I would post something so the blog appears to be slightly active... So on to some details of what I've been up to...

1.) I got to see Peek yet again on Cinco de Mayo at the Brickyard. That was a really good show! I even got a request in! And of course I got to hang out with some of the band when they were on break!

2.) I'm gearing up for my biggest crafting period... the summer. I know that it sounds weird but I start on holiday gifts (or at least the planning thereof) this time of year. Well, at least try to...

3.) Last Friday I got to see Fly By Radio at the Soul Kitchen. That was such a great show! I even have a drink coozie to show for it. That and a new nickname of Miley. Yes as in Miley Cyrus a.k.a.: Hannah Montana.

4.) Last but certainly not least, I am getting ready to design a new pattern. I'm aiming for a headband this time! Wish me luck! Here is the picture of the yarn:

Well that's all for now! I will hopefully update a little sooner than this time! Hopefully I will have a pattern ready to post!

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