Tuesday, July 31, 2012

A New Pattern! A Simple Bookmark

Well...I've been busy...sorta... Oh well, any who, I did make a new bookmark for me to use out of some old crochet thread that I found. I created it because I couldn't find anything that I liked that was super-simple. As always I'm making it a free pattern with the usual disclaimer. In case you are like me and are absent minded or you are a first-time visitor to my blog, feel free to look at my other patterns and read aforementioned disclaimer. Feel free to e-mail me with any questions or comment or post them here.

A Simple Bookmark

a size 7/ 1.65mm steel hook
crochet thread/ string (whatever color you want)
needle to weave ends (unless you use the hook to do that)

  1. Chain 2 and 10 double crochet into the 2nd stitch from hook, slip stitch into the chain 2 (10 stitches)
  2. Chain 2, 2 double crochet into each stitch, slip stitch (20 stitches)
  3. Chain stitch until the chain is about 12 inches long or desired length
  4. double crochet 6 times into the 2 stitch from hook (6 stitches)
  5. Chain 2, 2 double crochet in to each stitch (12 stitches)
  6. Chain 2, 2 double crochet in first stitch, 1 double crochet in the next, repeat the pattern[there should be 2 double crochets every other stitch](18 stitches)
  7. Finish off and weave ends

And there you have it! Quick and easy to do! I was able to do this while watching an episode of True Blood last night, and finished it before the episode ended. Like I said before the normal disclaimers apply. Happy hooking!!!

Thursday, July 19, 2012

New Pattern! A Child-Sized Sword Sheath!

OK this was created out of necessity... So I was making a set of items for a friend's son for his birthday, and said items were "Legend of Zelda" related. My friend's son mentions that he has a plastic toy sword but has nothing to put it in to carry it. I tried looking all over for patterns and yet could not find one. I found ones that were for softies/toys and the like. So I saw what I liked and up-sized it. So it looks sorta like Nerdigurumi's pattern but only in the colors used. I created this using a lot of trial and error. As per normal this pattern is free. So here it is...

A Child-Sized Sword Sheath:

Craft Type: Crochet

  • Size H hook (or whatever size you need to get the right size for your toy sword)
  • Acrylic or other washable worsted weight yarn in the following colors: brown and grey
[Note: I used about 0.8 of a skein of brown and about 0.4 of a skein of grey. It depends on the length of the sword, the one I was making it for was about 26 inches with a blade length of about 19.5 inches. Yours may be different so plan accordingly]
  • A small amount of worsted weight yarn or embroidery thread to embroider a design (if you want)
  • A yarn needle to weave ends and such

Before beginning measure your toy sword and write down the measurements for the total length, the blade length, etc. I had a sword that was about 26 inches in length total and a blade measurement of about 19.5 inches. That way the sections for the brown and grey are proportional. So my sections measured out at the following: grey tip was 3 inches, the brown middle was 14.5 inches, and the grey top was 2 inches. You may want to change the lengths according to your toy sword/preference.

    Grey Tip:
  1. Magic circle ( or however you start in the round for this sort of thing) with 10 single crochet. Join the single crochet with slip stitch. You can join each round with a slip stitch or do spiral. I did slip stitch the entire time, but it's your preference. 
  2. Single crochet in each stitch (10 stitches total)
  3. Increase (2 single crochet per stitch) in each stitch (20 stitches total)
  4. Single crochet in each stitch for about 10 rounds or 3 inches in length (or desired amount/length).

     Brown Middle:
  1. Switch from grey to brown. Finish and weave ends from grey now.
  2. Single crochet in each stitch until 14.5 inches long (or desired length)
  3. Switch back to grey. Finish and weave ends from brown now.

     Grey Top:
  1. Single crochet in each stitch until 2 inches in length (or desired length). Finish off and weave ends. Should look like a long tube.
  2. Embroider anything you want if desired on this portion. I embroidered a golden triforce since this is to go with a "Zelda" themed gift.

  1. Chain 6 stitches and single crochet into the second stitch closest to hook (5 stitches)
  2. Chain 1, single crochet into each stitch (5 stitches)
  3. Repeat row 2 until desired length (Mine was about 2 feet in length)
  4. Sew ends onto tube at the color changes (see picture for reference)

Well here is a picture of the finished product! And the final part of the gift is complete!

Well there you go! I hope you enjoy this pattern! As always, if you post this please link back to me, etc....you know the drill. Plus any questions feel free to comment/message/e-mail me! Laters!

Wednesday, July 4, 2012

Happy 4th of July or how I spent my Wednesday...

Well Happy 4th of July or to others not in the US, Happy Wednesday! It rained here in Mobile so my outdoor concert at the USS Alabama got rained out. Yay (note the sarcasm in the voice)... So thanks city of Mobile for that. SBut yet we still have fireworks scheduled. But as I headed downtown to go check it out, the streets are empty...WTF?!? It's dark and still no freaking fireworks! Well at least I had the day off... I guess that's some sort of consolation. Here's to trying!